Euthynnus affinis
Wavyback skipjack
Description: Dark blue or blue-green above fading to silver below; about 12 dark wavy marks on the dorsal area.
Size: Weight up to about 20 pounds, but most are around 4 or 5 pounds
Habitat: Open water, but somewhat close to shoreline, generally in depths less than 100 fathoms; often found over dropoffs, or in association with aku; young may enter bays and harbors
Feeding: Diurnal and nocturnal; small fish, squid and crustaceans
Schooling: Schools
Fishing methods: Trolling, pole and line
Seasonality: Present throughout the year, but most abundant during summer when the fish come fairly close to shore in large schools
Information Courtesy of: dlnr.hawaii.gov
Photo Credit. Richard Field